Wednesday, May 04, 2011

May 4 - Conrad’s City Bridges Ride

17 Dudes turned out on this rather cold, overcast, windy day. We welcomed Gary Sunstrum, Terry Stephens, & Doug Brown on their return to the group after a prolonged "leave of absence”+ George Post & Larry Cormack for their 1st Dudes ride. These Dudes are planning to ride with Conrad on his so called easier rides. Because of the strong winds Conrad decided to lead a ride over the bridges of Peterborough, I will leave it up to the reader to count the total #! From Beavermeade we rode south on Ashburnham to Landsdowne St,west over the Lock 19 bridge thru Little Lk cemetery, along Crescent St to Del Crary Pk & George St crossing over Jackson Cr to the waterfront trail in front of the Holiday Inn & the railway bridge over the Otonabee R, 1st photo. From the bridge we cycled north in East City on Engleburn Ave to Burnham St crossing Hunter to Driscoll & the Rotary Trail. Crossed over the Otonabee R on the London St bridge, west on London to Bethune & south to Murray St where an access trail bridge crosses over Jackson Cr to connect with the Jackson Creek Trail on which we rode NW to Jackson Pk then up the steep hill to Fairbairn St, next 2 photos of everyone walking up the hill including Bob Penny! From Fairbairn cycled east on the Parkway Trail to the Zoo, north on Water to Trent crossing the Otonabee R again to the Rotary Trail & a return to Beavermeade over 2 more bridges for a total of 25 km. Ken Powell took the collage of photos above “the walk” photos. Pete had phoned the Porch & Pint, see photo, to give the staff advance warning of another Dude invasion which must have scared off other patrons as we had the pub to ourselves! This ride gives one an excellent overview of cycling routes within the city by showing an example of how the city trails interconnect.