Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Conrad’s Xmas Ride Dec 19 2012

Otonabee R from the Trent pedestrian bridge

   Bench donated by the McKnight family in memory of Myrna located on the RGWT south of Parkhill Rd in Rotary Park
London St pedestrian bridge from Waterford St. During the cycling season tree leaves block this view of the bridge

Mel Johnson at Dublin & Waterford 

Conrad Hill, Frank Marett, Pat Towns, Mel Johnson, Barry Dicman & Pete MacLoghlin met in Bevermeade for the last Dudes ride of 2012. The conditions were rather amazing for mid December, dry, sunny, with the temperature above 0 C. Conrad led us on a new 25 km city route, cycling north on the RGWT crossing the London St bridge to Aylmer St, south across McDonnel St to the Jackson Cr trail to Jackson Pk & uphill to Fairbairn St, east on the Parkway Trail to Water St, north to University Hts Blvd, west to Hetherington Dr & north to Woodland Dr. East on Woodland across the Lakefield Rd to Trent U & over the Otonabee R to East Bank Dr to the Tollington bridge & south on the RGWT to the London St bridge which we crossed again to Waterford St where Frank decided to ride home before we cycled to the Ritz Deli North at George & Edinburgh Sts. for a gourmet lunch. After lunch Pat rode home to pack the bike for Florida leaving Conrad, Mel, Barry, & Pete to cycle back to Beavermeade.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lang-Hastings TCT ride Dec 12 2012

 Wetlands between Drummond Line & Cty Rd 34 from the left Bob Penny, Pete MacLoghlin, & Barry Diceman
 Barry & Frank beside the wetland where a train engine sunk to a depth of over 60 ft in the “muck”.
 Lang station area, the guys are standing on the water tower foundations
 Indian R from the station area looking south to the Base Line bridge

Bob Penny on Technology Dr, Hgw #7 bridge in background

Photos from the Dec 12 ride. I had not been able to post photos until today so looks like we are back on business. For more photos & descriptions go